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Providing “State of the Art” solutions for oil & gas and energy producers
A Drilling & Oilfield Services Company, an International Company operating with a local mentality thus contributing to in-country resource development and investments in local communities.

The Extra Mile
We maximize our clients revenues by minimizing downtime, thus enhancing operability & performance of their assets. “We Partner with our Clients”.

Service Excellence
Technically competent teams operating with the highest standards of quality, health, safety, security & environmental protection.

A Services Company dedicated to providing state of the art solutions for Oil & Gas and Energy producers. We are specialized in Integrated Onshore Drilling, Oilfield Services, Power Generation and Alternative / Renewable Energy.
We take pride in investing in sustainable new technology that help our customers achieve higher revenues and differentiate themselves amongst their peers.
Quality, health, safety, security and the environment are key priorities for Prime Energy. We aspire to achieve the highest Quality and HSSE standards with a commitment to support our customers in providing a safe working environment for their employees.
In partnership with the region’s oil & gas services leaders with more than 70 years of experience, Prime Energy is committed to developing hydrocarbon and energy resources by providing integrated services of the highest standards.
Prime Energy is constantly seeking technology partners who aspire to enhance customer efficiency in oil & gas operations, and provide a cleaner, greener future that delivers sustainable energy to the world. Renewables are the future and we are continuously working on implementing this in all our sites. Commitment to in-country resource development, manufacturing & supplies and investment in local communities. Technically competent teams that strive to deliver best in class service resulting in minimum downtime, higher returns and customer happiness.

Since the end of 2018, Prime Energy has been drilling successfully in Blocks 10, 14 ,51 & 53. With our professional crew and highly recognized HSE standards we continue to drill in 2023 and beyond.
- Drilling Services Contract

Between 2020-2021 Prime Energy was awarded a drilling campaign in the Sayun-Masila Basin in Block 9. Prime Energy will continue drilling in 2022-2023 as part of the two year extended drilling campaign.
- Drilling Services Contract

For over 2 years Prime Energy strived to secure a contract with OMV Yemen. After being awarded a Coiled Tubing Services Contract, Prime Energy was awarded a Drilling & Workover Contract in Block S2. Prime Energy’s strategy is to become a one stop shop for its clients.
- Coiled Tubing, Nitrogen & Acidizing Services Contract
- Drilling & Workover Contract
Prime Energy DWC LLC ("Prime Energy") has had an active contract in place with Masila Petroleum Exploration and Production Company ("PetroMasila") in the Republic of Yemen since August of 2018. The contract is for the provision of drilling equipment and drilling services which form a core part of PetroMasila's drilling program which commenced in 2019 and it currently ongoing.
To date, Prime Energy's equipment has been of high quality which has either met or exceeding PetroMasila's requirements. In addition, the drilling services provided by Prime Energy under such contract have been performed to a high standard commensurate to that expected in the international petroleum industry while at the same time exceeding PetroMasila's safety standards.
PetroMasila considers Prime Energy's management to be responsive and capable, and as a result of the strong performance indicators demonstrated to date under the drilling services contract PetroMasila has recently extended its contract with Prime for any additional two (2) years.
Todd Studer
General Counsel
Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd. operates Malik Block 9 in the Republic of Yemen. For the 2021 Exploration & Production projects conducted in Block 9, th drilling services of Prime Energy Solutions, using Prime Energy Rig #2, were contracted based on the following criteria:
- Refurbished and Fully Certified Equipment
- Qualified Personnel
- Performance
- Commitment
Rig #2 was used to drill one vertical well, two deviated wells and recomplete one deep high-pressure exploration well. Considering the many obstacles encountere during throughout the 2021 Drilling Program, Calvalley was very satisfied with the quality of all the professional services provided by Prime Energy Non-Productive Time was minimal, crews performed very well even throughout Ramadan, and high safety standards were maintained. Furthermore, Prime Energy management has been cooperative, accommodating and showed a strong business acumen. Calvalley wishes Prime Energy success in their future endeavours and looks forward to using their services for the 2022 Drilling Program.